Friday, November 27, 2009

Feelin' Good Friday -- My Path to Fitness

While fashion is a big passion of mine, of recently attained an even bigger passion -- fitness. My weight has always been a battle for me. As an adult, I decided to give Weight Watchers a shot. Although a few years ago I hit my goal weight and attained Lifetime status, Weight Watchers has two major problems: 
  1. They don't really teach you how to eat healthy.
  2. They don't really factor in fitness. They'll tell you to get some exercise in there, but it's not as major a part of the plan as it should be.
So while I hit my Lifetime goal I never stayed there because I was still eating the same crap I was before (just less of it!) and I wasn't really exercising as I should. I was doing cardio, but no weight training, which I've learned is what you really need to see a difference in your body and get your metabolism revved up.

About a month ago, I decided enough was enough and I seeked out a personal trainer on Craigslist. I was lucky to find an amazing trainer who can give me guidance on nutrition and fitness like I need. After only training with him for about nine sessions, I've already lost body fat and inches. I'm already getting definition in my body, which is so exciting. And I'm down a size in my jeans! And I know as I apply myself and keep working harder, the benefits are only going to increase. Trust me, this method isn't cheap, but I'd rather spend the money on this than buying larger clothes! 

I'll periodically post updates on my fitness journey and sharing intersting tidbits as I go!

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