Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-Day!

I know, I haven't blogged here in about a month now. Things have been rather chaotic, between starting school back up (I'm enrolled in a local community college towards a certificate in Web publishing), work and just life! But I'm coming back, I promise!

Since last I blogged, I did a MAJOR closet cleaning, including my insanely large jewelry collection. I've either donated or sold quite a bit, and I still have more to do. But I'm loving my newly-shrunken's so much easier to put outfits together in the morning! And the clean-out has also helped me realize what I'm missing in my wardrobe and I've been working on fixing that.

For now, I'm going to say Happy Valentine's Day! Check out the awesome dinner my hubby made me tonight. It was almost too cute to eat...almost. :)